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Tips To Increase Android’s Performance

How to make Android faster - Quick Tips !

Step 1 : Reduce Animation

Just go into setting and open developer option and in some phones there is a chances  that developer option are lock so just go into ABOUT PHONE and click on BUILT about 5 to 7 times your developer will unlock then go to window animation scale,transition animation scale,animator duration scale put them to .5x it will make your phone faster.

Step 2 : Remove Widgets

Widgets consume lot of data and battery so if you don’t use it just remove it from the screen by just slide it towards the top.

Step 3: Restart Power Off

Once in a week you should restart your device it will clear your cache memory and makes your device to work faster.

Step 4: Custom Launchers

Custom launchers are really helpful these launchers are really smooth and easy to use as describe in above video it will make your android really different.




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